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  A University for all

Making a university education available to all Venezuelans who desire to continue their studies is one of the goals of the revolutionary education system promoted by the Bolivarian government. In order to prepare the professionals the country needs, it is imperative to create more universities to deal with the problem of the shortage of places available at existing universities and the consequent disappointment of thousands of potential university students every year. Hence, the Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV) emerged, opening the gates of higher education to all Venezuelans.

The new PDVSA, faithful to the dreams of young Venezuelans to continue their education, promoted the construction of the Monagas nucleus of the UBV. Those leading this ambitious social investment project can feel duly proud of themselves because the institution, which will soon be home to 5,000 students, is being completed in record time.

Alberto Madail, PDVSA Manager of the Northern Exploration District and Western Production, considers this major public work sets a benchmark, demonstrating how projects can be completed on schedule, at optimum cost and without sacrificing quality.

Monagas UBV students will enjoy the excellent facilities that every university deserves, thus providing the generation of today, an example of the excellence that can be achieved by national companies and institutions cooperating together.

After President Chavez had publicly criticized the slow progress of the construction of the university, and in doing so voiced the exact sentiments of the local population; the construction process was speeded up. Both the Minister of Energy & Petroleum, Rafael Ramírez and the Minister of Higher Education, Samuel Moncada, stepped up to the plate and PDVSA, is supervising the completion of the facility in record time, to the President’s and the local population’s satisfaction.

The construction execution schedule is divided into three phases:

  • First Phase: Module A or Administration Module, to be delivered in the first days of October 2005.
  • Second phase: Four classroom modules B, C, D and E, to be delivered by the end of December 2005.
  • Third Phase: It comprises the building of an information center, newspaper archives, a library, a refectory, an auditorium and a university clinic. This phase is to be finished by mid 2006.  

High-quality construction 

The construction of the UBV-Monagas Nucleus is not only praised for its speed, but also for the care and quality in every detail of the project. Alberto explained the university is built on floating piles a very fast construction system which is used in cases where the land provides poor foundations.

Interestingly, Alberto described how recycled oil pipes, were used in the construction. This ingenious use of recycled materials has, in fact enhanced   the security factor, as the pipes are thicker and of a higher quality than regular piles.  Regarding security matters, the Northern District Manager mentioned the fact that the place will be equipped with intruder-detection cameras, a fire fighting system and multiple emergency exits.

Another important detail is that all services will be autonomous in the UBV-Monagas Nucleus. It will be equipped with a secondary power generator in case of emergencies. Likewise, there will be water well with a 70 liter per second capacity.

Cutting-edge technology
It is important to point out that PDVSA is not only in charge of the building process, but also of providing all the furniture and technological equipment required for the correct functioning of the university.

The university is supplied with cutting-edge technology and its eighty classrooms are equipped with video and sound systems making the resource of information technology available in the every classroom. There will also be a video-conference center which will allow connection to any other university or teaching institution. 

Additionally, a system will be created by means of which lessons will be recorded and placed in the infocenter databases. This will allow students to have access to the classes on line. 

Historical  Monument

One of the most relevant aspects of the Bolivarian University-Monagas nucleus is that it is the first one to be constructed as a higher-learning institution with a university profile; in contrast with other buildings provided by the state,  that have been remodelled to fulfil this educational purpose.

In addition to classroom and service modules, there will be spaces for recreation such as green areas, squares and two uncovered terraces.  

Alberto Madail remarked that the center will become a revolutionary historical monument. “On entering the university campus, people will see an equestrian statue of our Liberator, Simón Bolívar. Then, they can stroll  down” Los Próceres walk”, which will be lined with the busts of other great Venezuelan men and women from the nation’s past and heroes from the War of Independence. In the university’s Civic Square, a   three-root tree will be planted to represent the figures of: Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez (the school teacher who so inspired the Liberator Simon Bolivar) and Ezequiel Zamora (a hero who led and army of landless peasants), a symbol of Venezuela’s proud history and the foundation of the ideological revolution.

The Mercal supermarket, presently located on campus, will be kept on the university grounds, according to Alberto, who says “the public must be integrated in to the university, that’s why we are going to keep it just there, and we are also building a space with some other convenient services for people who shop daily at Mercal.” That will not be the only advantage for local people, two roofed- spaces will also be built for use by the local community.

This university will set an example
Finally, Alberto Madail, the Northern District Manager, had some optimistic words for the future, “the UBV will have a great impact on the State of Monagas and on Venezuela, and it can be taken as a model for the construction of other universities. Everything is perfectible; what we are doing now can be improved on". Alberto`s professionalism and the spirit of cooperation shown by every one involved on this project is a shining example of what can realistically be achieved when a society works together towards a common goal.