Mar 06 to 10
  Did you Know?

The PDVSA logo is based on a sun-shaped, ornamented petroglyph, represented in the Guarataro stone, which is located in Caicara del Orinoco. The symbol of the sun as energy source is associated to the company.
Requirements for updating as a client for hydrocarbon sales (Exports)
Requirements to register as a client for hydrocarbon sales (Exports)
Public Biddings
Biddings September 2010
Requirements to register as a provider of hydrocarbons (Imports)
Requirements for updating as a provider of hydrocarbons (Imports)
Requirements to register as a client for hydrocarbon sales (Exports)

General Information, Recommendations and Instructions

As a commercial policy, Pdvsa Petróleo S.A. established a master Register of QUALIFIED COMPANIES (1) to sell crude oil and refined products for exports exclusively. The Register is named, Registro Único de Clientes Calificados para Ventas de Exportación, R.U.C.C.V.E. The Register (R.U.C.C.V.E.) is solely for companies incorporated overseas.

Any company interested in PURCHASING hydrocarbons to export from Pdvsa Petróleo S.A. must first enroll the Register of QUALIFIED COMPANIES for export sales (R.U.C.C.V.E.).

To become a QUALIFIED COMPANY for export sales at PDVSA Petróleo, S.A, a registration process is required.

It may kindly be noted that Pdvsa Petróleo S.A. deals ONLY with Aspirants Companies. No intermediaries/agents will be allowed during the registration process. The registration process is free of charge

All information supplied by the Aspirant Company will be duly validated by PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. encourages the applicants to provide truthful data. For those cases, that PDVSA Petróleo, S.A finds manifest fraud and incorrect data, the Aspirant Company’s registration request will be voided from the registration process.

Ideally all the communications between the Aspirant Company and PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. shall be using the emails and teleconferences. PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. encourages the Aspirant Companies to use private dominium, i.e. the use of public email addresses may cause a rejection because of the PDVSA’s internal firewall.

Aspirant Company must have at least two (2) years of incorporated and proven experience in hydrocarbon handling and/or trading.  Supremely, the Aspirant Company must have a proven commercial ethics.

All trades at PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. are based on:

  • Final Destination control. Any violation of the Final Destination will result in registration voiding.
  • No intermediates companies (brokers, representatives, etc) are allowed for the export sales. Sales of product are traded directly between PDVSA Petróleo S.A. and the buyer (QUALIFIED COMPANY).
  • Regarding crude sales, these are only made to companies which own refineries and/or have a processing agreement in force.
  • The non fulfillment of contractual clauses and commercial commitments may cause to the companies pecuniary sanctions or the final adjournment of the client from the Register.

Aspirant Company must fill out an application form (Download the APPLICATION FORM). Application form shall not have any manual correction.

PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. assures that all data /documents received during the registration process will have a confidential handling and the data /documents will be used only for registration purposes.

It may please be noted that the application to register at PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. (R.U.C.C.V.E.), shall be considered only on receipt of completed Application Form and requested documents/information.

The application request from the Aspirant Company does not constitute a commitment from PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. to do business with the Aspirant Company. Kindly be aware that the final decision of PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. authorities shall be final and binding for the registration process.



A.  Legal documents
Documents must be duly translated into the Spanish language.

  1. Company’s documentation (“The Buyer”, final addressee).
    • Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Association and/or By-laws. (Legalized and/or with an Apostille) 
    • Minutes of the last Board of Directors meeting, Form 10-K from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.  (If applicable) (Legalized and/or with an Apostille) 
    • Company’s trade registry or companies' House. (If applicable) (Legalized and/or with an Apostille) 
    • Owner / Shareholders description; if they happen to be corporate bodies please submit all previous requirements. (Name of each shareholder, percentage of each party). (Legalized and/or with an Apostille) 
    • Copies of passports of shareholders and/or authorized representatives (If applicable) If the representatives are Venezuelan citizens, copy of the Venezuelan ID card is required.
  2. An Affiliate or Subsidiary company.
    • Articles of Association and/or By-laws for the affiliate or subsidiary & the Parent Company/ (Legalized and/or with an Apostille)
    • Owner / Shareholders description; if they happen to be corporate bodies please submit all previous requirements. (Name of each shareholder, percentage of each party). (Legalized and/or with an Apostille)
    • Copies of passports of shareholders and/or authorized representatives (If applicable) If the representatives are Venezuelan citizens, copy of the Venezuelan ID card is required.

 B. Finance documents

 Documents are accepted in both languages Spanish or English.

  1. Original Financial statements expressed in US$ or Euros of the last two (02) years, audited by internationally recognized companies and under the international standards for financial information.
    The financial statements required are:
    • Balance Sheet
    • Gains and losses statement
    • Cash flow
    • Origin and use of the funds
    • Change in the financial position of the company
  2. Two (2) ORIGINAL commercial references (Companies names, contact names, telephone and fax numbers and a brief description of the commercial relationship with each company: negotiated amounts, time of duration of the commercial relationship). These references should be dated during the last three months to its presentation (In original letterhead paper).
  3. Two (2) ORIGINAL bank references which should include: Monthly average balance, name of bank officer, title, telephone and fax number, etc.  These references should be dated within the last three months to its presentation (In original letterhead paper).
  4. If the Aspirant Company is a subsidiary, a Guaranty Letter from the Parent Company must be presented.
    (Download the Template).

C. Important Information
Once the requirements are gathered completely by the Aspirant Company, kindly send them to the following address. Use the service of a courier system as a unique via for mailing purposes:

PDVSA Petróleo, S.A.
Secretaría del Comité de Registro (R.U.C.C.V.E.)
Avenida Libertador con Calle El Empalme,
Torre Oeste, Piso 7,
Caracas 1060, Venezuela
For further clarification regarding the requisites or the application Form, please do not hesitate to contact us through the RUCCVE Office e-mail:

Once again, PDVSA Petróleo, S.A. reminds all the Aspirant Company that registration is FREE OF CHARGE.

(1)  QUALIFIED COMPANY: All companies registered at the Registro Único de Clientes Calificados para Ventas de Exportación, R.U.C.C.V.E. Includes companies for “selling” and “purchasing” refined products and crude oil.

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