Mar 06 to 10
  Did you Know?

The PDVSA logo is based on a sun-shaped, ornamented petroglyph, represented in the Guarataro stone, which is located in Caicara del Orinoco. The symbol of the sun as energy source is associated to the company.
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  Petrocaribe: a shield against misery

Four years ago, the world witnessed the birth of Petrocaribe as an Energy Cooperation Agreement signed by 14 countries that were already “concerned about global economy trends and, particularly, about policies and practices prevailing in industrialized countries that could lead to more exclusion of the Third World smaller countries with economies that are more dependent on international developments”
  Project Community Gas Bottles: from the people and for the people

Become acquainted with this project promoted as part of the Gas Socialist Revolution. The project foresees building nine Community Filling Plants of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Bottles (LPG), which will guarantee constant supply and personalized delivery of household gas bottles
  Venezuela and China build a pluripolar world through socialism

President Chavez: “Never before in Venezuelan history had our nation had the world allies it now has. The reason for this is that now we are free!”
  Venezuela, major player in the OPEC

Venezuela played an important part in the founding of OPEC, to the extent that in 1967, seven years after its creation, another of its founders Sheik Abdullah Al Tariki, went so far as to say that “... without the Venezuelans around to keep it on its feet, the OPEC would have died a long time ago”
  Petrocaribe: a joint venture in the light of ALBA

PetroCaribe is firmly advancing towards the integration of Latin American and Caribbean nations through mutual solidarity. The Summit of Heads of States and Governments from the Caribbean countries, founding members of PetroCaribe, was held in Jamaica, on September 6th 2005
  ALBA: the dawn of a new era

Many agreements have been signed within the frame of the consolidation of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas. Member countries of the cooperation mechanism have met in several occasions in other to build solid basis for the Latin American integration. The ALBA’s priority is the union of Latin American and Caribbean countries in a single political, economic and social block, complying with three foundation pillars: cooperation, solidarity and complementarity
  A University for all

The Monagas nucleus of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will provide facilities for more than 5, 000 higher education students. Get to know how the new PDVSA is working to provide a better future for all Venezuelans.
  Toward the Summit

Petrocaribe emerges as a political initiative, based on the rational use of non-renewable and exhaustible energy resources, intended to promote integration and sustained development of the peoples in the region, on the basis of complementariness, solidarity and social co-responsibility and within the framework of full respect for each other’s sovereignty, diversity and needs
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