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The PDVSA logo is based on a sun-shaped, ornamented petroglyph, represented in the Guarataro stone, which is located in Caicara del Orinoco. The symbol of the sun as energy source is associated to the company.
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Declaration of the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government of PETROCARIBE

Declaration of the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government of PETROCARIBE
Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis

Meeting in Basseterre, Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, on June 12, 2009, the Heads of State and Government representing the states parties to the PetroCaribe Energy Agreement:

RECOGNIZING the need for Latin American and Caribbean countries to rally efforts in confronting the harmful effects of the global economic crisis.

RECOGNIZING the important results and progress obtained in the region, especially in the social and energy sphere, as a result of the implementation of cooperation programs and initiatives among our nations.

CONSIDERING that the consequences of the current world economic crisis demand hard and collective work by the members of PETROCARIBE, in order to take measures that positively influence the economies of our nations so that they can continue to advance in the consolidation of independence and development in the region.

NOTING the achievement and progress scored in the invigoration of  new sectors like food-growing, petrochemistry and training, among others, in the fulfilment of Resolution No 03.04-05 of the V Special Summit of Heads of State and Government of PETROCARIBE, Maracaibo, July 13, 2008, which have contributed to strengthening the Organization.

Have decided:

1. To salute the holding of the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government of PETROCARIBE, an integration mechanism that has allowed us to move forward in common energy security as one of the central objectives of the  Organization;

2. To ratify that PETROCARIBE is an effective unity and cooperation platform which has made significant progress in the struggle for a higher level of economic and social development of member countries, thus contributing to the defence of our peoples in the face of the current world economic crisis.

3. To highlight that PETROCARIBE is making progress in the achievement of energy security by mitigating the effects of the world economic crisis on the member countries’ economies, through the design and implementation of joint infrastructure projects in the fields of oil, gas, electricity and renewable and alternative energies.

4. To welcome the resolutions approved by the 5th Ministerial Council of PETROCARIBE, particularly the resolution concerning a PETROCARIBE integrated fund, provided by the financed portion of the oil bill through the ALBA Bank, considering the principles of solidarity, complementarity and respect for the countries’ sovereignty.

5. To highlight that the achievements resulting from the creation of Joint Ventures among member countries of PETROCARIBE has contributed to developing the energy infrastructure, direct supplies and social projects aimed at strengthening the energy sovereignty of the countries.

6. To highlight the results attained by the PETROCARIBE Technical Working Groups created by Resolution No. 03.02.04, approved by our Ministers of Energy during the IV PETROCARIBE Summit held in Cienfuegos, Cuba, which allows us to move forward in determining opportunities in strategic areas like gas, petrochemistry and renewable energies together with the training of human resources, expanding the bonds of cooperation and solidarity among member countries.

7. To welcome the proposal by the Dominican Republic to present the PETROCARIBE mechanism as a successful example of South-South cooperation at the next Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

8. To recognize that PETROCARIBE is not just a shield but also a sword opening inroads for our peoples despite the actions of the most powerful nations in the world, an important mechanism for fair and supportive cooperation that outmatches any traditional commercial schemes.

Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, June 12, 2009