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The PDVSA logo is based on a sun-shaped, ornamented petroglyph, represented in the Guarataro stone, which is located in Caicara del Orinoco. The symbol of the sun as energy source is associated to the company.
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PDVSA in the world

On April 28th 2005, PDVSA opened its offices in Havana with the aim of supporting the Petrocaribe project on behalf of the agreement on the implementation of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA).

The opening of this commercial and business office constitutes a primary step for the broadening of energy cooperation relationships between the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Cuba, a new model for Latin American and Caribbean integration based on the principles of bilateral cooperation, solidarity and the accomplishment of sustainable socio-economic development for the countries in this area.

The strategic location of PDVSA Cuba in Havana, will allow the development of new businesses and instrumental projects, with the purpose of accelerating Petrocaribe progress all over the Caribbean basin. This area has a remarkable hydrocarbon reserve productive potential, as well as a growing energy demand what will increase the quality of life of the general population.

Products and services
PDVSA Cuba will work hand to hand with CubaPetroleo (CUPET) in order to increase the potential of the Caribbean energy market, both in the prospecting and production processes (upstream), and in the refining and commercialization of products (downstream); the intention is to promote social progress for the citizens of the Caribbean and Central America, by facilitating free and democratic access to energy at fair and reasonable prices.

The offices of PDVSA Cuba in Havana will allow higher levels of support and attention to the region, as well as exert an impulse to production projects and to the commercialization of oil, fuel and other byproducts in Central America and Caribbean countries.  At the same time, PDVSA Cuba will have the responsibility of being the coordinator in matters related to technological cooperation and the upgrading of human resources in the hydrocarbon sector.

Projects and goals
PDVSA Cuba is looking forward to the construction of a strategic storage facility for residual fuels in Matanzas, in the western part of the island, with a storage capacity of 6,000 barrels per day; and possible restoration of the refining storage facility in Cienfuegos, located at the center of the Cuban archipelago. The upstream process presupposes serious studies on the Cuban energy matrix, particularly regarding the exploration and production in the Cuban economic zone of the Gulf of Mexico.

In relation to downstream processes, an oil canning enterprise will be built with the participation of CubaLub (Empresa Nacional de Lubricantes de Cuba) and the logistical support of PDVSA.

Lonja del Comercio de la Habana, Piso 5, Oficina C, La Habana, Cuba.
Havana’s Chamber of Commerce, Floor 5, Office C, Havana, Cuba.