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  Did you Know?

The PDVSA logo is based on a sun-shaped, ornamented petroglyph, represented in the Guarataro stone, which is located in Caicara del Orinoco. The symbol of the sun as energy source is associated to the company.
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PDVSA in the world
PDVSA in the world

PDVSA`s international activities have undergone an unprecedented expansion during recent years; this expansion is accompanied by an increase in its international projection and an acknowledgement of its high operating levels, technological expertise and excellence in management.

Nowadays, PDVSA keeps a solid presence abroad through 5 offices located in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, The United Kingdom and Holland, enjoying strong commercial relationships with its partners in each country as well as in those nations which have a great potential to invest in the national oil business.

PDVSA owns assets, operations and businesses in the International Area of the Corporation. In Europe, for instance, PDVSA participates with a 50% share in Rulor Oil Gmbb of Germany and the AB Nynäs Petroleum through its subsidiary PDV Europa BV based in La Hague, Holland. It is also present in London with the subsidiary PDVUK which works as a marketing intelligence office.

In the Caribbean area, PDVSA operates a refinery and an oil terminal subsidiary in Curaçao on a long-term leasing contract with the Refinería Isla subsidiary. Bonaire Petroleum Corporation, NV (BOPEC) and Bahamas Oil Refining Company (BORCO) are terminal operating subsidiaries in Bonaire and Bahamas respectively.

The international patrimony of our corporation includes CITGO, with its subsidiary in the United States and other refineries around the world.

You can consult the PDVSA off-shore entities directory from this site.